US Nuclear Target Map: Potential Targets and Safe Zones

The US Nuclear Target Map shows important places in the US that could be targets in a nuclear attack. This map, which clearly displays these key locations, has been popular online since news outlets like CBS first shared it in 2015. Military strategists and analysts create these maps using different intelligence sources to decide which locations are most important strategically.

Key Takeaways:

  • A US Nuclear Target Map highlights possible targets and safe areas, aiding emergency planning by showing where attacks may occur and locations less likely to be directly affected.
  • The world’s nuclear weapons, mainly held by the United States and Russia, present significant dangers. The Korean Peninsula, South Asia, and the Middle East are especially unstable.
  • Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, Idaho, and Maine are seen as safe zones.
  • Government agencies like the CDC and FEMA prepare for nuclear events by promoting readiness, raising public awareness, and offering guidelines on protection and evacuation.

In this article, you’ll understand the importance of the US Nuclear Target Map. It aims to help you understand the potential effects of nuclear conflict, strategic planning, and its implications on global security.

Nuclear Threat Awareness

newspaper with bold text announcing a nuclear attack

Understanding nuclear threats is vital for everyone, not just leaders and experts. It helps you see how serious nuclear weapons are and their effect on world safety and your own. 

First, it shows why countries avoid using these powerful weapons, leading to talks about reducing arms and maintaining peace. Second, this knowledge lets you participate in meaningful discussions and decisions about your country’s defense and its role in the world. 

Also, when informed, you can better understand the news and the hidden risks of global tensions. Knowing about nuclear strategies helps you form opinions on what actions your country and others should take on the international stage.

Latest Global Nuclear Arsenal Statistics And Potential Geopolitical Tensions

The latest statistics on global nuclear arsenals show a complex and evolving landscape, with significant expansion and modernization efforts underway by several key states. Here’s a summary of the current state of nuclear forces:

  1. United States and Russia: These countries hold the largest shares of the world’s nuclear arsenal, collectively accounting for over 90% of the world’s nuclear weapons. Both are actively modernizing their nuclear forces, including warheads, missile systems, and aircraft delivery systems.
  2. China: China is undergoing one of the most rapid expansions of nuclear capabilities among the nine nuclear-armed states. Recent estimates suggest that China’s stockpile includes around 500 nuclear warheads, with significant developments in missile capabilities and delivery systems​​.
  3. United Kingdom: In a shift from previous disarmament policies, the UK plans to increase its nuclear warhead ceiling, reflecting a broader trend of reevaluating nuclear strategies.
  4. Other Nuclear States: Countries like India, Pakistan, and North Korea are also enhancing their nuclear capabilities. North Korea, for instance, continues to prioritize and expand its nuclear program as a core element of its national security strategy.

Several nations are modernizing and expanding nuclear arsenals, reflecting ongoing updates in global military capabilities. These developments emphasize the dynamic nature of nuclear forces worldwide.

Getting Familiar with Potential Nuclear Targets in the US

Military bases, big cities, and key infrastructure are usually seen as the main targets in a nuclear attack. Hitting these places can significantly affect military strength and cause widespread fear. Cities packed with people are economically important and as transport and communication centers.

When determining which places might be targets, consider their symbolic importance and role in defense and the economy. Areas close to missile launch sites, big military bases, or important industrial areas could be more at risk. Yet, it’s important to remember that nuclear strategies and technologies are constantly changing, which could alter which targets are considered most important.

Identifying Nuclear Detonation Risks

Understanding the risks of nuclear detonations is essential for preparedness and mitigation efforts. Below are the different types of nuclear detonation risks and their potential impacts:

Explosive Blast

The explosive blast is a nuclear detonation’s most immediate and visually apparent effect. It can destroy or severely damage buildings, roads, and other infrastructure within a wide radius of the explosion. The intensity of the blast wave can vary significantly depending on the yield of the nuclear weapon and the distance from ground zero.

Thermal Radiation

Thermal radiation emits intense heat and light, causing severe burns to people and igniting fires across a broad area. This can lead to widespread firestorms, particularly in urban environments with high-density structures and flammable materials.

Initial Radiation

electronic radiation detector

Within the first minute of a detonation, high doses of radiation are released, capable of causing acute radiation sickness. This includes nausea, vomiting, and a decreased white blood cell count, increasing susceptibility to infections.

Radioactive Fallout

Following the detonation, wind patterns carry out radioactive fallout over large areas. This fallout consists of radioactive particles that can contaminate air, water, and soil, posing long-term health risks to people and the environment. The extent of contamination and the duration of its effects depend on the size of the explosion and weather conditions.

Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP)

An EMP results from a nuclear explosion, which can disrupt or damage electronic devices and critical infrastructure over a vast area. This can lead to significant challenges in communication, transportation, and the delivery of essential services in the aftermath of a detonation.

Safe Zones and Factors Influencing Safety

Safe zones are typically far from strategic military sites and major urban centers that might be targeted in a nuclear strike. 

When determining a safe zone, consider its distance from military bases, major cities, and facilities that could be strategically important. Additionally, areas outside the radius of potential blast and fallout zones, based on prevailing wind patterns and the size of the nuclear threat, are generally safer.

It’s also essential to look at the accessibility of these safe zones. You’ll want a location that you can realistically reach, given your transportation means and the timeframe you might have before a nuclear event occurs. Planning and familiarizing yourself with multiple routes to these areas can save valuable time in an emergency.

Geographical and Infrastructural Factors Contributing to Safety

Geography and buildings play a big part in protecting an area from nuclear fallout. Mountains can block radiation, but being downwind from a target means more risk. Buildings strong enough to handle natural disasters can also help protect people from a blast and offer a safe place to hide from fallout.

Good emergency services and living facilities, like clean water and food, are also important. It’s also better to be in a place with fewer people so there’s enough for everyone if something terrible happens. When picking a safe place, thinking about the land and how well the area can support people for a long time is crucial for staying safe.

Latest Findings on Nuclear Fallout Patterns and Evacuation Strategies

Recent research has improved people’s understanding of nuclear fallout patterns, showing that they can vary greatly depending on the size of the bomb, the height of detonation, and weather conditions at the time of the blast. This information is crucial for updating evacuation strategies, as it helps predict which areas might be affected and how quickly you need to move to stay safe.

Nowadays, evacuation plans use up-to-date information and predictions to guide people on what to do. By following these new methods and getting your news from reliable places, you can improve your chances of safely getting through a nuclear event. Make sure you have a plan for getting to your safe place, and go over it with your family.

How To Determine If A Nuclear Threat is Serious

a person dialing the emergency service

To assess the seriousness of a nuclear threat, it is important to rely on reliable and authoritative sources. Official government alerts, reputable news outlets, and recognized international organizations are the primary channels for accurate and timely information.

Here are some examples of official government alerts that might be used to inform the public about a nuclear threat or other emergencies:

  1. Emergency Alert System (EAS): This is a national public warning system in the United States that requires broadcasters, satellite digital audio service and direct broadcast satellite providers, as well as wireline video providers to offer the President the capability to address the American public during a national emergency. It can also be used by state and local authorities to deliver important emergency information such as weather information and local incident information.

Wireless Emergency Alerts (WEA): These are short emergency messages sent by authorized government authorities through your mobile carrier. They include alerts about severe weather, local emergencies r

  1. equiring evacuation or immediate action, AMBER alerts, and Presidential Alerts during a national emergency.
  2. National Warning System (NAWAS): This is a telephone system that connects participating federal, state, and local government agencies. It is used to convey warnings to governmental authorities and population centers in advance of emergencies.
  3. Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS): This system integrates the United States’ alert and warning systems, networks, and facilities. IPAWS’ goal is to provide public safety officials with an effective way to alert and warn the public about serious emergencies using various platforms.
  4. Government websites and social media: Many government agencies use their websites and social media channels to issue warnings and updates about ongoing or imminent emergencies. This can include everything from detailed preparedness information to real-time updates during an emergency.

Emergency broadcast systems also play a crucial role in providing quick and dependable updates during a crisis. Ensuring that you receive information from these trusted sources is essential for understanding the situation and making informed decisions during a nuclear threat.

How to Prepare for a Possible Nuclear Strike

Preparing for a possible nuclear strike involves several steps to enhance your safety and readiness in the unlikely event of such an incident. Here’s a general guide on how to prepare:

Building Your Emergency Kit

Your emergency kit is your first line of defense. A well-stocked emergency kit should include the basics: water, non-perishable food, a first-aid kit, flashlights, and batteries. Additionally, considering the potential for nuclear emergencies, including potassium iodide (KI) tablets can be a vital precaution.

Potassium iodide helps protect the thyroid gland from radiation by blocking radioactive iodine uptake. It’s most effective if taken shortly before or immediately after exposure to radioactive iodine, which can be released during a nuclear emergency.

How to Get Potassium Iodide:

  • Pharmacies: Potassium iodide tablets are available at many pharmacies. Checking availability in advance is advisable as demand can increase during emergencies.
  • Online Retailers: These tablets can also be purchased from various online stores, including those specializing in medical supplies or emergency preparedness products.
  • Government Distribution: In certain scenarios, local or national health authorities may distribute potassium iodide to residents living near nuclear facilities.

When to Take It:

Potassium iodide should only be taken on the advice of public health or emergency management officials. It is most effective if taken within 24 hours before or just after exposure to radioactive iodine.


The appropriate dose depends on age and health condition. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the following doses:

***Adults over 40 should take potassium iodide (KI) only when officials recommend it, and if exposure levels are high enough to risk causing hypothyroidism.

*Source: FDA

How Do Early Warning Systems Help

Technology plays a crucial role in early warning systems for nuclear threats, using satellites and radar to watch for dangers all the time. When a threat is found, these systems quickly send out warnings through various channels, including emergency broadcasts and mobile phone alerts, giving people and communities time to get to safety.

Thanks to technology getting better, these warnings are now more accurate and less likely to be false, which helps avoid unnecessary fear. Knowing how to get and respond to these alerts is a key part of being prepared. Learning about your local warning systems and checking that you can receive alerts without problems is important.

As for protecting against radiation, new and better ways exist to reduce exposure and keep people safe. Innovations include new materials for shelters, protective clothing, and portable devices that let you check radiation levels on the go.

Governmental and Public Preparedness Efforts

a person wearing a hazmat suit

As you begin to understand the scale and seriousness of nuclear threats, it’s natural to wonder how prepared you are. Governments and public health organizations have taken steps to prepare for the unthinkable. Exploring these efforts provides reassurance and a call to action for your preparedness.

Overview of CDC and FEMA Initiatives for Nuclear Preparedness

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have developed comprehensive plans to respond to nuclear incidents. These initiatives focus on readiness, from immediate response to long-term recovery, ensuring that medical and logistical support systems are in place. For example, they offer guidelines on radiation sickness treatment and evacuation procedures.

Besides medical preparedness, these agencies also work on public awareness campaigns. They provide resources that help you understand the potential health risks of radiation and the steps you can take to protect yourself and your family. This dual approach of preparation and education is key to minimizing the impact of a nuclear incident on public health.

Local Government Efforts And Community Responses

Many cities and states have their plans to handle a nuclear emergency, customized to fit their specific needs and risks. This involves considering their proximity to potential targets and the resources available to them. They frequently conduct drills and educational programs to ensure that both emergency services and the public know how to respond in case of a nuclear incident.

Community groups also play a crucial role in preparedness. Local organizations and neighborhood groups provide support and share information, particularly with those who are most vulnerable. These local networks are essential for increasing awareness and providing assistance after an incident, complementing the efforts of larger government organizations.

Conclusion: Navigating the Future with Preparedness and Resilience

a pinned map

In the face of a potential nuclear strike, being prepared and resilient is crucial. Understanding the risks, staying updated on safe zones and evacuation plans, and getting your emergency supplies and shelters ready significantly increase your chances of staying safe. Engaging with your community and using the latest technology for early warnings and radiation protection boosts your readiness.

Remember, the goal of all this preparation isn’t to live in fear but to empower yourself with knowledge and tools. Taking proactive steps now ensures that you and your loved ones can face the future confidently, ready to tackle any challenges with preparedness and resilience.


Who creates the US Nuclear Target Map?

Military strategists and analysts typically develop the US Nuclear Target Map. These professionals use various intelligence sources and expertise to identify and prioritize potential targets based on strategic significance. 

How can individuals access the US Nuclear Target Map?

Access to the US Nuclear Target Map may vary depending on its classification and intended audience. While some versions may be publicly available, others may be restricted to military or government personnel.

How often is the US Nuclear Target Map updated?

The frequency of updates to the map may vary depending on changes in geopolitical dynamics, technological advancements, and intelligence assessments. Military and intelligence agencies typically strive to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the information presented on the map.

67 thoughts on “US Nuclear Target Map: Potential Targets and Safe Zones”

    • First off, with the exception of 20 megaton warheads for hard targets like missile silos, most nukes in the large arsenals only yield about 500 kilotons. A 500 kiloton blast would be an airburst at optimal altitude for maximum effect against soft targets.
      A 500 kiloton blast would kill everyone within a 2 mile radius with 50% casualties out to 4 miles. The United states is 3.2 million sq miles.
      A circle with 4 mile radius is approx. 50 sq miles. As stated above, russia only has 6850 warheads. A third of those would be 20 megatons reserved for hard targets. That leaves about 4600 for soft targets. They would only cover a combined area of 230 thousand sq miles. As long as you avoid high value targets, large cities, military bases, communication centers, universities, and so forth you’ll only have to deal with fallout.
      Do not go to north dakota, south dakota, basically anywhere in the midwest as thats where missile silos are located. Safest place? Try a natinal forest. They are not targets. Most are no where near military bases or large urban areas.

      • I took a Civil Defense course in high school that explained all this just like you did . I chose to live in an area where it was beautiful but near several targets . I can’t imagine being alive after a strike ever. I can fix anything except stupid politicians that would use weapons like this.

        • Nope, 800 kilotons. Tsar Bomba was only 60 megatons. Poseidon (nuclear torpedo) is claimed to be 100 megatons, and is, ostensibly, the largest thermonuclear weapon ever devised.

        • Incorrect. The most numerous warhead in the Russian arsenal is the 550 Kiloton warhead used on Topol-M SS-25 and SS-18 Satan missiles. They also have 3 Megaton and 5 Megaton warheads as well as the 20 Megaton bunker busters.

          Due to the weight, the 20 MT warhead takes its own missile, while the much smaller 550 KT warheads are MIRV or multiple independent re-entry vehicles.

          • You are talking about today. The Russians are transitioning more to the 800 kiloton nuclear device as their standard. They are also building more huge nuclear subs, so those cute little 200-300 kiloton sub-launched warheads are going to be getting bigger also.

      • So, avoid the 230Kmi destruction zone and all will be fine? The other 3.57Mmi (believe you didn’t include Alaska) of the country is going to be a scene straight out of hell. Even if a high-altitude EMP wasn’t used, all the localized EMPs of all the low-altitude nukes will still pretty much take out all electrical power, all electronics, all communications, etc. Most people will have starved to death within 60 days. Most the country will be irradiated, including farmlands, so no new food crops. Crime will make Detroit & Baltimore look like Heaven in contrast.
        Nope, just drop the damn thing on my head. Better than dealing with the aftermath. A bright flash of light, then a gentle transition into the afterlife, or oblivion. Either case sounds far better than months of starving, disease, worry over radiation poisoning, agony and grief over all that has been lost, watching all your loved ones die, only to have your brains bashed out over a can of beans in the end. I just hope they bomb the phuk out of New Zealand and take out all them billionaire bunker/mansions that help propagate much of this schitte.
        Yes, this is why we haven’t detected life amongst the stars most likely… enter intelligent species with opposable thumb, enter curiosity, enter technology, enter the wisdom how to use such technology a few centuries too late. BOOM! ~pwallen1962

  1. As you imply, there are not enough warheads to melt a major country off the map, so you are left with crippling and disabling options. Also, try to make tertiary products of an exchange more effective. So, my priorities are to disrupt power supplies, governance, military movement, fuel production and food production. Don’t waste warheads on population centers, rather contaminate food production areas and the residents of New York etc. will be eating each other in 3 months time. And don’t forget, Kim Minor can easily be persuaded to try his hand at a few warheads on Hawaii. In Europe, Berlin, Brussels, and Frankfurt are probably the prime targets. No biologicals as it is too close to home. The Russian army will take care of NATO forces in no time, so that may cause the US to fire on Europe anyway… As for targets in Russia, well, it’s just too big, isn’t it? So maybe similar criteria apply there. But the survival of Russia is much more guaranteed.

    • ” the survival of Russia is much more guaranteed.”
      WRONG. Russia has same punch as US/NATO nuclear arsenal but their brittle infrastructure cannot take the punch nearly as well. Ru population more urban concentrated and in much smaller number of cities than US/NATO.
      The infrastructure of Russia is barely functional day-to-day, pre-Nx exchange!
      Outside of St. P and Moscow-to-Volga, Ru is little better than rural Alaska.
      It is why Putin is trying to claw back Ukrainian farmland, coal, strat. minerals.
      Country with only 140m people, vs vastly harder infrastructure of European and N. American NATO enemy of 900m wealthier citizens. Vast majority of Russian communications and economic infrastructure within 200 miles of Moscow. Rest of country has the flimsy communications and brutal climate of Alaska outside of the Anchorage-Fairbanks developed core.

    • “The Russian army will take care of NATO forces in no time”

      Looks like Russia has there hands full with Ukraine, let alone UN (or should we say US) forces armed with unlimited up to date weaponry.

      • Absolutely correct russia can’t deal with ukraine as it is…so what would they do with all the nato forces upon them.. Trouble is if we back them into a corner they will use nuclear weapons.

        • that is completely inaccurate as evidenced by their need to call up 400,000 civilians and start buying weapons from iran and north korea. The fact is Russia is actually a very small country and not a super power an everyone sees it. The only path forward for russia to not become north korea is complete nuclear disarmament in exchange for lifted sanctions. China wont hold up Russia financially when the risk of automatic transference of sanctions becomes too real.

          • Somebody who is eating up the “PROPAGANDA” being pushed by WEST INTEL Agencies in the WEST MSM!!!

            China is helping Russia, contrary to WEST MSM, keep peddling the lie, if China supports Russia there will be severe consequences…

            US/Europe will back down as soon as China tells all their cargo ships to stop heading to US/European ports, then as soon as “INFLATION” takes off, they people will demand their Govt’s to back down!!!

            US had to turn to our NATO allies for munitions while we were in action in Iraq and Afghanistan, due to the fact we (US) couldn’t keep up with supplying these munitions to the US troops..

            So even US/NATO member states has to turn to their allies for munitions!!!

    • The current performance of the Russian Army and Air forces in Ukraine makes your claim of the outcome of a NATO vs Russia matchup suspect. News out yesterday indicates that Putin is shopping around for Syrian mercenaries to do his dirty work in Ukraine; that doesn’t sound like a vote of confidence in his troops. In addition, ROTC cadets could do a better job of logistics planning than Putin’s Potemkin brigades.

        • JRM: Your christ-like worship of RINO Democrat, Coward, Draft Dodger, Pedophile, Rapist, Conman, Fraud, Mafia Racketeer, Hater of our Military Veterans, and PROVEN US Traitor Donnie the Commie Trump is duly noted ..

          Our Republican-Framed US Constitution, our Republican-Framed Declaration of Independence, our Republican-Framed Bill of Rights, and our Republican-Framed Form of Law and Order exists ABOVE Trump. Not below.

    • Wrong. I think the Ukrainians are showing the real side of the Russian army. They’re losing more men and weapons than anyone thought possible. They’re bumbling with logistics. The sanctions are going to seriously limit their ability to replace those lost tanks, jets, and helicopters. NATO would would obliterate them, if it had the will to do so. However, nobody would win a nuclear war. Russia may have more land, but have far LESS targets. Fewer cities, bases, power plants, etc. It would be easy to cripple that country.

    • “The Russian Army will take care of NATO forces in no time”..LMAO. Umm hmm. Like they were going to Ukraine also right? The Russian Army cant take care of Ukrainian Forces in “No time.” Its ammo stockpiles and surplus cannon fodder of 18 year old Conscripts is being spent, Morale is low. Supply is Low. Clearly training sux. Sure, id agree Putin has probably reserved his best troops and equipment for after he’s weakened the enemy…But he’ll be expended the bulk of his forces -the huge numbers we’ve seen touted for years of tens of thousands of infantry and armored power? It’s Being ground down in Ukraine by a force 1/4 its size with weapons lent to them by foreign powers. Russia cant finish Ukraine – the though of it being able to run over NATO Combined forces when it meets real airpower and professional soldiers-after being wore down and battle weary, low morale, and chewed up after slogging 500 more miles through Ukraine being shot at the whole way…? Tanks being lost all the way there? NAH The Russian Army wont be “taking care” of that,. NOW having said that, what it does mean, is Bladder-mir here will be even more likely to use Tactical nukes, as its the only option he has left . The vaunted “bear” that was supposed to be the shadow of military death over Europe? Its being exposed for being long on BS and short on quality. Yes the bully is still a threat, as he has guns , and a ride to the playground. But in terms of being a organized professional Conventional military giant? A paper one at while this is no comfort to the Ukrainians who are going to be overwhelmed by sheer numbers ..when the chewed up Russian troops hit the fresh, well armed ,Air protected wall of Polish, Romanian, German, French, UK, ect troops….Putin’s Forway East will grind to a halt .He’ll learn quickly hes not the only bully on the block with Nukes- The NATO countries hes moving on have them as well. If there is a Nuke exchange between the US and Russia VIA ICBMS and Sub launched missiles, Make no mistake Russia’s size wont be of any help. There isn’t a corner that wont be touched if it holds a viable target. The fact that there is less targeted area may allow for avoiding blast-but fall out and Nuke winter will apply in Russia as well and likely even worse in terms of winter. Survival of Russia is less likely, as unlike the US who is protected by a ocean before Russia or her Chinese allies could set foot on US soil only to be met by a Conventional Professional , better trained force that hasn’t been chewed up Fighting on the European Continent- not to mention backed by a multi million armed and enthusiastic Civilian Populace all to eager to play Patriot once again,, its been far to long … and many of them veterans , who have grown up with their rifles, not just had them passed out to them 2 weeks go. Id say the US has far better post strike survival odds -esp if the US read the card right and had a first strike advantage.

      • Fantastic, well thought out response Mr. Abbott! As a genXer, I am loading Red Dawn in the DVD now! Even if the “Russian dominance” post was birthed from a “bot farm” in some dark corner…

      • THERE ARE NO WINNER IN A NUCLEAR EXCHANGE! Even in a limited exchange the fallout with kill and contaminate the globe for century’s. Devastate not only human but animal and crops. Nature is a fragile balance it takes very little in the way of a nuclear exchange to destroy that balance<

    • “Russian army will take care of NATO forces…”. LOL, Ukraine is kicking their arses so no, Russian army will likely mutiny and scatter like rats. VERY LIKELY.

      • No; they’re not. You’re watching too much American Media. The kill Ratio in Ukraine is approximately 9 to 1 in favor of the Russians.

    • Thats not accurate russia due to horrible climate is actually a very small country (130million people) and they are largely located in 40 metro areas. This is actually why Putin is changing the Russian nuclear doctrine to include first strike, he said himself Russia would not be able to counter strike and with Nato nukes so close, by the time they saw them coming it would likely be too late.

      Also one other piece missed in this and the comments is most nukes are not battlefield ready, over 3/4th of warheads world wide are not even mounted on delivery systems. Nuclear war would not wipe our humanity or destroy the planet as people say. It is unlikely that after first strike and counter strike that the command and control or battlefield nuclear units would exist for continued attacks. Life would change major cities would be wiped away, but life would continue.

    • After the wildfires lack of water food and so on no fuel no heat nuclear winter for 20 years it’s safe to say yes a country would be erased

  2. What about Alaska? There are several military bases, rich oil production, and lots of minerals Also has the early warning system, which I don’t know if they have nucks or not. The only place there for safety could be the interior. The interior is extremely frigid and unhospitable.

    • True, but after a massive nuclear attack from multiple nations, the mean temperature on earth would rise drastically for a short period until the nuclear winter set in. At that time central Alaska would likely become unbearable unless one had an underground bunker and plenty of supplies.

  3. Only the country that does the first nuclear pre-emptive attack can win a nuclear war. The U.S. and Russia knows this.
    And the attack will be on all or most military installations, air fields and missle silos, etc., in order to prevent or lessen the retaliation.
    Contrary to belief, the attack will not be on large populated areas as the winner of the war would still want to use the “self-defense” reason for the attack.

  4. Majority of the counties with nuclear warfare capabilities are located in the Northern Hemisphere. Nuclear fallout and winds will contaminate Earth for thousands of years. Best bet of survival in my opinion is to head south as far as possible, but that would be a battle dealing with EMPs taking out modes of transportation, lack of utilities, gas, supplies, nuclear fallout and others who are desperate to survive. Those who survive will be jealous of those who were instantly disintegrated.

  5. Reading this as Putin puts his family in a nuclear bunker and set his nuclear forces to high alert. You can say it’s not happening, I’d rather be safe than sorry.

  6. I’m in Japan, which is surely a target for NK, CH, and RU considering all the U.S. military bases here. I’m prepping just to be “safe” which means bug-out bags are ready to go. I’ve been scouting for places to shelter, but Japan doesn’t have much in the way of fallout shelters. I feel like the only place worth considering is a train tunnel that is a few miles long. I’m just worried about wind currents running through the tunnel. There is a military base nearby so that is the only place I think we (wife and kid) could survive a blast. What a world we live in.

  7. I think it is impossible to grasp the full extent of a nuclear exchange. We live in a connected society. Try to imagine waking up to no power,no running autos and no water with no way to communicate to attempt to find out what happened? Most would wait hoping that everything would go back to normal.
    Normal will not happen again,,,,ever. Even if you drive a 65 Mustang and can get to the store , its doubtful you could buy anything since all power is off. Most stores would close as soon as power is off. By then people will panic and start looting. You might be lucky to get the only working car back home. Even if the store stayed open, it would soon run out of everything and no, repeat, no stock will be coming.
    Optimistic estimates say it would take many months to years to get the power on in the event o a single EMP blast or large coronal ejection (solar flare).
    In a case where the power plants were bombed the power might not come back on in our lifetimes.
    I have been a preper, but due to illness and having five grandkids to be responsible for, so Im no more prepped than average. Im trying to up my stock, but it looks like I may have to use my guns to feed my kids.
    We like to think we are a peaceful country, but how peaceful will it be when your kids are starving and Joe Blow next door is gobbling up food. will do what must be done to feed my family. Im also the guy that can be relied on to give my last crust of bread to anyone hungry, as long as my kids are good. Ill help anyone and protect anyone as far as i can, but my 7yr old grandson comes first.
    Good luck to everyone and be safe. YouTube look up CityPreper.

    • Vast majority of cars would work just fine, especially older diesel cars. It is true that electronic fuel injection has been in use since the late 60’s, but the vast majority of cars have highly-conductive aluminum frames & bodies that would act as a faraday cage and protect electronics. The biggest issue would be food as both vegetation and animal life would be hit hard by spreading fallout with little room to dissipate. Those in coastal areas or mountains will likely do best as they’ll have protection and a semi-stable food supply. Possibly heavily-forested areas also depending on location relative to blasts. Your point about feeding family with guns is also a poor one. You are likely to be shot, quickly and alone, by the first group you mistake for an easy target (which would be prevalent in the US). Best bet to feed your people would be to stock up on ammo like you said, but also whiskey, gold, medical supplies, emergency rations, communications equipment, and on and on. In other words tradable items. Even if society breaks down, a form of society will spring up among the survivors within months, if not weeks or days, and the guy going around murdering for food will be the first to go. Bartering will rule and high-value trade items will make the kings. Plus I’ll have lots of ammo and fun home-alone style traps for when guys like you decide to try and steal from me. Be smart, invest in a canner and some Jack Daniels over another Glock.

      • I believe when Mr Lowery said he’d have to use guns to feed his kids, he may have been referring to hunting.

        • Hunting,,, what animal could survive if any,,, I believe many will hunt for very sparse, if any, results, canned food and knowing my southern plants sounds more viable to me, just saying I don’t have much luck hunting as it is 😐

      • Then im that case LEO wouldn’t be able to knock out your vehicles with their EMP disable devices, that some of LEO have in their possession!!!!

        Yet, every vehicle that has been targeted by these LEO devices have been shut down!!!

  8. I do not believe an attack would be nuclear. I believe it will be biological. What did everyone learn from Corona/covid-19? The CCP and Red Army would rather not fire a single shot to eliminate and enemy and take over countries. Using a super virus would make complete sense. A country would be much weaker if not completely decimated. Several years later, if that long, the opposing Army could walk into the country and own it and the resources. After such a virus, worst case would be a much less military operation by the opposing country. Keep in mind, the governments that would launch such an attack do not care about their own citizens, only themselves.

  9. From what I understand about FEMA and Our government is that they are All going to get into underground bunkers and leave the rest of us to die. It’s been pretty clear for awhile now that our government doesn’t care anymore about the people, They are just greedy about getting the taxes from the people and adding more taxes . The USA is A Rockefeller and Rothschild UN NATO Nazi type of new creation for the rich elites and their stoolie politicians and corrupt judges , judicial corruptions in 2 Words. Factories that produce , War materials , chemicals, plastic and things like that will definitely be targets . No one is safe in a certain city during a nuclear attack. Plus there’s the underground military secret cities like under Martinsburg West Virginia that are already known by the local people who listened to year’s of blasting in the middle of the night. How many other cities experienced the same thing ? . It’s more about Rich people who think that there’s too many people who are dangerous to the public. UN NATO is A Rockefeller creation after WW2 when Germany lost the war. Fashism disguised and called democracy is what They are after At UN NATO. Our US Constitution is not in their plans for New World Order government. They will start WW3 against Russia and China and it is not going to be long ! Arm yourself and your family because it’s going to be ugly out there !

  10. Before all of this 2022 Russian invading Ukraine stuff, I was told directly by a Ukraine citizen that her friends in Russia were confident that Russia will be reclaiming Alaska soon. Let us keep in mind one very important thing: Russia has the same annual GDP as Brazil which is many times smaller than the USA. Russian does not stand any chance of winning a war against America. Even if China did partner with Russia in this endeavor, China’s ocean access is limited and restricted. It would be an interesting game but America is heavily favored to triumph in the “no-win” hypothetical scenario.

  11. Overconfidence against one’s opposition has historically led to very bad outcomes. None of you fools even seem to realize what an attack on spent fuel rods at nuclear reactors would entail, much less the effects of lack of sunlight for all food sources. De-Nile is not just a river in Egypt. Decades of Pentagon planning experts and military think tanks studying projections, scenarios, effects and outcomes mean nothing to some of you, who conveniently won’t have to answer for your nutjob bravado because you’ll wind up dead too.

  12. The outcome scenarios of a nuclear war don’t leave much hope for a “bright future”, unless you’re talking about the impact FLASH! If you make it past the blast, the radiation and then the hungry mobs, and then are a better fighter and more blood thirsty than those around you (including your own family), you might just live long enough to endure the radiation sickness. After that, you and those who are left, will be “animals” you wouldn’t recognize right now.
    No, I want to be “part” of the fallout.. i.e. only molecules of me covering a 20 mile radius of what used to be my home. Yeshua (called Jesus), has already told us that our “lives” only begin when these bodies die.

  13. Why the hell has the world allowed ANYONE, any government, any entity whatsoever, to have these deadly apocalyptic weapons? It is sheer insanity! The most power-hungry, despotic and greedy bad actors essentially have the entire world held at nuclear gunpoint. It’s not defense they aspire towards, it’s fearmongering and control. Nuclear weapons should have NEVER been allowed and they should be outlawed and dismantled immediately. It is truly only a matter of time until those weapons are utilized, and they will be, to the demise of everything we love and hold dear on this green Earth.

  14. I believe it’s ludicrous to have Phoenix on the list of top list of targets, Jacksonville too, while Seattle is not on the list? The person who made that list is obviously only considering population and land area. The Seattle metroplex is home to 11 Fortune 500 companies, 3 of them among the largest in the world: Microsoft, Amazon and Costco, as well as other critical Fortune 500 companies like Boeing, PACCAR (Semi trucks) and Expeditors International (shipping). It is home to Ft. Lewis, the University of Washington ranked as one of the top Universities in the world, it has a high population density and is a major port city. All Phoenix has is retired rich people and Petsmart. The largest employer in Jacksonville is likely Walmart. Seattle would definitely be one of the top 10 targets in the US. It would have a crippling effect on the US economy and cause enormous havoc to supply chain and infrastructure. In a nuclear attack, I would much prefer to be in the Phoenix or Jacksonville than Seattle.

  15. BTW, there are no “50 million” metro areas in the US. In fact, there are none in the world. The largest metro area in the world is Tokyo at 37 million. New York City metro area has 19 million. Phoenix has 5 mil, Seattle has 4 mil. Jacksonville only has 1.6 mil. You think people are going to waste expensive nuclear weapons on Jacksonville and Phoenix? Why, so people can’t golf? Come on, son.

    • You mean the Jacksonville with a Naval Air Station, two airfields, an international airport, a Navy port, a large local port, a large population and a nuclear sub base up the road?

  16. Fires would worry me; can’t fight em. Forests? Nothing but fuel. EMP a sure bet – no way to supply water or fight fires. Maybe educating people on wells or ability to get water would be beneficial. I’m in central Ks & we put a sand point well in our backyard w/ a hand pump. Anytime power went out in our neighborhood we just left our gate opened, primed the pump, attached a hose & folks had water til power came back on. Kansans garden, & prudent prepping is a plus along w/ small communities used to working together.

  17. I hope the first nuke fired at the US lands right in my lap. I’m 70 and it’s been a good life. There are a few people I know that I would fight to save but the aftermath would be worse than the blast. People will lose their collective minds and become animals. Not worth it to hang around and watch.


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