Preppers camping and cooking on fire.

35 Best YouTube Prepper Channels and Shows

The rise of prepper channels on platforms like YouTube and social media has revolutionized the way individuals approach preparedness and survival skills. These prepper channels offer a wealth of knowledge, ranging from basic survival techniques to advanced strategies for long-term self-sufficiency. With expert advice, hands-on tutorials, and real-life experiences, they … read more

Military on a gun fight

How To Win A Gun Fight: Military Gun Fight Tactics

In the world of prepping and survival, being prepared for any situation is crucial. Whether it’s a natural disaster, societal collapse, or a personal defense scenario, knowing how to protect yourself and your loved ones is a top priority. Understanding how to win a gunfight is one of the most … read more

military backpacks

8 Best Military Backpacks For The Organized Person

No matter what you do in life, if you are someone that likes the functionality of well-made military gear, then there is no going past military backpacks. They are quality in design, and downright useful with their separate compartments and practical innovations. For me, I enjoy the sturdiness military backpacks … read more

destroyed buildings

How To Prepare For An Earthquake – 5 Things You Should Know

Earthquakes happen anywhere, any time, and without any warning, so preparing is key Earthquakes are abrupt, devastating and disastrous, and what makes them worse is that they happen in an instant, without warning, anytime, anywhere. It is because of this that many residents in ‘high risk’ areas should know what … read more

police officers point their guns towards the street

5 Things You Need To Know To Conduct A Room Clearance

Military tactics plays a strong role in survival skills This is especially the case when we consider the importance of military tactics in a SHTF scenario. In the event you need to search a building and you suspect there may be hostile enemies present, you want to be sure you … read more

Fatal food Crisis

Homesteading Principles Could Stop A Fatal Food Crisis In Venezuela

The writer of these posts is a middle-class Venezuelan father, in a country which has the world’s highest inflation rate at more than 4000%. Venezuela is an economic collapse nightmare with extreme shortages of food, riots severe hunger, a crippled economy, crumbling infrastructure, collapsed healthcare system, and a failing government. A number of years ago, Venezuela was … read more

Emergency Plan for you, your family, friends and pet

Prepping 101: How To Prepare For A Disaster Or Emergency

There are a lot of things that are important to us in this world, but nothing is more important than ensuring you and your family are prepared for a disaster or emergency. A saying I have thrived on ever since I started prepping is ‘prior preparation prevents poor performance‘. And … read more

Renewable energy and solar power done on a budget

Cheap Renewable Energy: The Budget Guide To Generating Solar Power

Solar renewable energy goes hand-in-hand with preparedness. We prepare for if, and when, the power goes out. When that happens we still want to be able to keep our radios on, our cookers running and our lights on. The question is, how do we harness the sun’s energy so that … read more


5 Things You Need To Survive In The Urban Environment After A Disaster

When it boils down to it, and it’s just you, in the city or your own urban neighborhood and a disaster has struck, what are the things you need to survive in the urban environment? A disaster is a very open-ended term, it could mean a whole variety of scenarios … read more