melissa miller naked and afraid

Melissa Miller on How to Survive and Prepare for “Naked and Afraid”

Jungle survival without clothes is nothing for this survivalist Do you think you could survive 21 days, without clothing, in the remote tropical rainforest of the Amazon? How about 40 nights in remote South Africa, with no clothes? Let me know what you think in the comments at the bottom of … read more

prepper demographic

Prepper Demographics: How Many Preppers are There in the USA?

A recent story in the New Yorker profiled Silicon Valley billionaires, who are investing large sums of money on preparedness supplies and offshore properties where they can hunker down in case of a disaster.  The article quotes the CEO of Reddit, who claims that over 50% of Silicon Valley billionaires have “apocalypse … read more

emergency flood rafts

Emergency Rafts & Inflatable Boats for Floods & Severe Weather

Inflatable boats are the best transport that you can keep stored away for when a flood occurs. One quick look at Houston and you can already see the widespread devastation and impact a flood can have and how useful a quick, ready-to-go boat that has been sitting in the garage … read more