best outdoor survival games

Top 30 Outdoor Survival Games for Preppers & Enthusiasts

Outdoor survival games have surged in popularity, capturing the imagination of preppers and enthusiasts alike. These games offer a thrilling blend of adventure and education, challenging players to hone their survival skills in various scenarios. Whether you’re a seasoned prepper or just starting out, diving into these games can be … read more

Handheld Ham Radio for Survival

6 Best Handheld Ham Radio for Survival & Emergency Scenarios

Ham radios are fun to play with on hikes and ATV rides, but they can be an essential communication tool when traditional communication lines fail. When disasters strike down cell towers, internet connections, and landlines, ham radios are often the only means of communication on the front lines. No matter … read more

destroyed buildings

How To Prepare For An Earthquake – 5 Things You Should Know

Earthquakes happen anywhere, any time, and without any warning, so preparing is key Earthquakes are abrupt, devastating and disastrous, and what makes them worse is that they happen in an instant, without warning, anytime, anywhere. It is because of this that many residents in ‘high risk’ areas should know what … read more


Homesteading Skills – 5 Old Time Practices You Need To Know Now

Bringing back the old ways of homesteading Homesteading is becoming more and more popular as people learn some of the homesteading skills used in the past to become more frugal, self-sufficient, and live off the land. Being more reliant on proceeds from earth, land and home are cherished principles of … read more

grid down scenario

Grid Down Scenarios: How to Survive a Power Grid Attack

A grid-down scenario is a prepper’s worst nightmare. And it is something that preppers and the government share a mutual fear of. In just one month in a grid-down scenario, services, supplies, and necessities will be so severe that your neighbor would kill you for food, and law enforcement will … read more

police officers point their guns towards the street

5 Things You Need To Know To Conduct A Room Clearance

Military tactics plays a strong role in survival skills This is especially the case when we consider the importance of military tactics in a SHTF scenario. In the event you need to search a building and you suspect there may be hostile enemies present, you want to be sure you … read more

israel gas mask review

Israeli 4A1 Defense Force Civilian Gas Mask Reviews

A gas mask that has been used, and still is used, in active NBC situations If you are looking for a budget gas mask that is proven to keep users safe in hazardous attacks, a very basic NBC gas mask is the 4A1 Gas Mask, also known as the Israeli Gas Mask. While … read more

tactical flashlight

What is a Tactical Flashlight – and How Do I Use it?

In the world of prepping and survival, where every detail counts and every tool can make a critical difference, a tactical flashlight is more than just a source of light—it’s a strategic asset. Designed for robustness and versatility, tactical flashlights offer far more than their standard counterparts, proving indispensable in … read more


How A Prepper Manages Off-Grid Power In A Post-Collapse Country

In this series, you will look at what life is like for a family man living in a social and economic collapse. The writer of these posts is a middle-class Venezuelan, in a country which has the world’s highest inflation rate at more than 4000%. Venezuela is a financial collapse nightmare with extreme shortages of … read more

prepper gear

The Best Prepper Gear When The Modern World Turns Off

For a lot of us, we are heavily dependant on systems in place to be sure that we have our food in stores, clean tap water, grid power and other conveniences that we’ve come to take granted in our everyday lives. But what happens when we lose those things, say … read more