[OPTIMIZE] The 10 Best Must-Have Hunting Rifle Accessories

The best way to survive an emergency situation is to be prepared for everything, including a rifle as a means to hunt or defend yourself should the need arise where you find yourself in a gunfight.

That entails having your arsenal of weapons good to go, with all the necessary rifle accessories.

But if you’re not sure what that means, here’s a list of our top gear for your rifle to make sure you can rely on it no matter what.

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Ammunition Cases and Holders
Recoil Proof Flashlight
Spare Parts



How can you shoot with no bullets? If you are planning on using a rifle, it goes without saying that you need to make sure you have a store of ammunition at hand and in your pack.

In saying this, you should also make sure the bullets are kept in a dry place, or otherwise, they might not work so well.

Depending on how your marksmanship skills are, you might need to adjust that number of stored bullets. Just make sure you rotate them so that you won’t end up with old, ineffective or expired ammunition.

Ammunition Cases and Holders


Ammunition cases are ideal for transport and safety.

When you are leaving your gun locked up at home or while you are on the move and the gun locked up in the car.

It’s always a good idea to de-load any excess bullets you have in your magazine and store them in a bullet case.

The best type of cases should be fairly resistant, so they can withstand forceful impacts.

They should also have a pretty tight seal on them so that you don’t get any dirty in your ammunition, because let’s face it, no-one wants to clean their bullets when they’re about to start a hunting trip.


Spare Parts

You should always consider a scope for your rifle.

Particularly when you are hunting outdoors as it is a magnifying monocle for searching, as well as allowing you to be a more precise shooter.

Scopes will enable you to magnify your target so that you can defend yourself from afar.

If you are hunting, locate the right part of the animal so that you can shoot them and stop them in their tracks, rather than having to track a wounded animal over a distance. This is also a reason to minimize the pain of animals we shoot.

A good scope can help you hunt better, including in dim light conditions, so make sure you get one with night vision.

Apart from increased defense, you’ll enhance your chances of eating enough calories to survive from the game you have successfully hunted.



A rangefinder is one of the amazing developments for rifle accessories for accurately measuring the distance to your target, which means that you can take more precise shots.

That also helps with putting dinner on the table, as well as getting an idea of where a potential enemy might hide or where a feature might sit that you are trekking to.

Make sure you get a rangefinder that’s great for longer distances, though and that can render reliable measurements even in brush or with trees nearby.

You can get one with an IR light so you can have good night vision, as well as a decent range of zooming for enhanced details.



There’s nothing like owning a reliable rifle harness or sling for hands-free use when you’re on the move.

The factors that influence your choice are the sturdiness of that harness, how well it holds your rifle and how comfortable it feels for you.

You need a sling that provides good support and that doesn’t put unwanted pressure on your back and shoulders, which are tested enough as it is.

You should also ensure the closing mechanism withstands repeated uses, and that hot weather or low temperatures won’t bring damage to this sling.



A rifle bipod is perfect for those survival situations when you need to hold your rifle up to your eyes for increased periods of time.

That might mean you’re trying to defend your position or that you’re brush hunting. For both cases, you need to conserve energy and have free hands to maybe do something else.

A rifle bipod should be compact and lightweight for convenient carry and storage purposes, but it should also be robust enough to face possible on-field damages as well as bigger recoils.

This should be made from top materials that don’t let it get damaged by weather, as well as being easy to set up and adjust in different positions.

Recoil Proof Flashlight

Recoil Proof Flashlight

If you have to move in the dark while you’re shooting at threatening targets, a recoil-proof flashlight is great if you don’t have an IR scope.

Even if you do have one, the advantage of such a flashlight is that it will enable you to see all the surrounding targets at a closer distance.

Unlike the scope that comes with a limited field of view.

So accurate depth perception may be capital, but you need to select the best flashlight. With that, choose one with multiple modes, including a strobe or SOS mode for sending out help signals.

Make sure it’s easy to mount and that it’s light enough not to destabilize your rifle. If it has a head or helmet mount, it’s even better.

Spare Parts

Spare Parts

You’ll need lots of spare parts in case your rifle does get damaged and you need to repair it.

Make sure you have all the necessary tools to do these repairs with, and that you store the spare parts according to type, so you don’t accidentally misplace something.



With your arsenal rifle accessories of scopes, rangefinders, and flashlights required for your rifles, you require plenty of extra batteries to power all these.

If you can get such devices that use rechargeable batteries and use a small solar panel in case there’s no light anymore, you have a winner.

However, when selecting gadgets that work on batteries, make sure that these have a long operating time, as well as long shelf life. Do maintenance checks frequently, though.

So with all these great accessories to get, we’re curious which ones do you think are most important? Which could you live without in a survival case? The comment section awaits below.

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