air conditioning off grid

Can You Have Air Conditioning Off Grid? Installation & Tips

Despite its cooling benefits, air conditioning is widely known to have detrimental effects on the environment. However, looking into current greener breakthroughs, could it be possible to have air conditioning off-grid?  Enjoying air conditioning off the grid is now possible. You can use solar power air conditioners, but there are … read more


How Long Does Rice Last? Shelf Life, Storage, and More Explained

People in Asia and countries in the Pacific consider rice as their staple food. It is the energy source of almost half of the world’s population, making it vital for survival. While there are different types of rice available in the market, you should know how to store it properly. … read more


Homesteading Skills – 5 Old Time Practices You Need To Know Now

Bringing back the old ways of homesteading Homesteading is becoming more and more popular as people learn some of the homesteading skills used in the past to become more frugal, self-sufficient, and live off the land. Being more reliant on proceeds from earth, land and home are cherished principles of … read more


8 Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home – And How To Use Them

Grow your own medicine with these medicinal plants Part of taking charge of your health is knowing what herbal remedies you can use instead of those from modern medicine to treat minor health issues. Medicinal plants are a must for any self-sufficient home, as they are a way of ensuring … read more