
Survival Cards: 5 Real Uses Of A Credit Card-Sized Survival Kit

Survival cards are extraordinarily helpful survival tools and are almost invisible with their credit card-sizing and lightweight feel. But they do have some very real applications for food and survival when you are in the wild. As a survivalist myself, I have always ignored the use of survival cards, considering … read more

Apache_Wickiup house

4 Traditional Survival Shelters You Can Make Without Tools

One of the most basic and important survival skills you can learn Seeking shelter should be your first priority in almost any survival situation. But if you are caught in the wild with nothing, would you know how to make a survival shelter? You will after reading this. While the … read more

melissa miller naked and afraid

Melissa Miller on How to Survive and Prepare for “Naked and Afraid”

Jungle survival without clothes is nothing for this survivalist Do you think you could survive 21 days, without clothing, in the remote tropical rainforest of the Amazon? How about 40 nights in remote South Africa, with no clothes? Let me know what you think in the comments at the bottom of … read more

Survival Knife Uses You Might Not Have Considered

6 Survival Knife Uses You Might Not Have Considered

Survival knives are a common attachment to the EDC of any good survivalist or prepper. It’s the one tool attached to the waistbelt that can make a difference in so many situations. But no matter how prepared you are, it’s always good to take a trip back to the basics … read more

vegetable garden

7 Things You Should Know To Run A Food-Providing Greenhouse

In the modern world, most people get their meals thanks to a massive, global food economy. In your local grocery store, you’re likely to find avocados from Peru, coffee beans from Indonesia, watermelon from South Africa, and artichokes from Spain. But when you grow your own food you don’t have … read more

sunflowers radiation

Sunflowers and Radiation: Nature’s Answer To Clean Contaminated Soil

In this very informative post from preparedness writer James Ryan, we find out how the humble sunflower removes radiation from contaminated soil, and how it is helping communities to clean up contamination hot spots in Fukushima and Chernobyl. The sh-t has finally hit the fan. A North Korean nuclear bomb … read more


Survival Gear: The 10 Essential Items You Need To Stay Alive Outdoors

Anyone who enjoys the outdoors knows that there are some must-haves when it comes to basic survival gear for those difficult situations, outdoors necessities or when you are hiking through the wilderness and things take a turn for the worst. Survival expert David Canterbury, Dual Survival former host and author of A … read more

Thermal Cameras: How To Turn Your Phone Into A Thermal Image Sensor

Thermal Camera: How To Turn Your Phone Into A Thermal Image Sensor

A simple attachable device can turn your mobile phone into a thermal camera enabling you to be able to view anything at night or sense heat patterns in people or animals when you wouldn’t usually be able to see them. Oregon-based thermal image giant FLIR Systems provide solutions to a … read more