Garden Pots

What Can I Grow In A Container Garden? Best Plant Choices + Tips

During a crisis, you need to make sure you have enough supply of food for survival. If you can create your own survival garden, then you’re off to a good start. With that, you’re probably wondering: What can I grow in a container garden? Peas and lettuce are fast-growing plants … read more


Homesteading Skills – 5 Old Time Practices You Need To Know Now

Bringing back the old ways of homesteading Homesteading is becoming more and more popular as people learn some of the homesteading skills used in the past to become more frugal, self-sufficient, and live off the land. Being more reliant on proceeds from earth, land and home are cherished principles of … read more


8 Medicinal Plants You Can Grow At Home – And How To Use Them

Grow your own medicine with these medicinal plants Part of taking charge of your health is knowing what herbal remedies you can use instead of those from modern medicine to treat minor health issues. Medicinal plants are a must for any self-sufficient home, as they are a way of ensuring … read more

vegetable garden

7 Things You Should Know To Run A Food-Providing Greenhouse

In the modern world, most people get their meals thanks to a massive, global food economy. In your local grocery store, you’re likely to find avocados from Peru, coffee beans from Indonesia, watermelon from South Africa, and artichokes from Spain. But when you grow your own food you don’t have … read more

sunflowers radiation

Sunflowers and Radiation: Nature’s Answer To Clean Contaminated Soil

In this very informative post from preparedness writer James Ryan, we find out how the humble sunflower removes radiation from contaminated soil, and how it is helping communities to clean up contamination hot spots in Fukushima and Chernobyl. The sh-t has finally hit the fan. A North Korean nuclear bomb … read more

Renewable energy and solar power done on a budget

Cheap Renewable Energy: The Budget Guide To Generating Solar Power

Solar renewable energy goes hand-in-hand with preparedness. We prepare for if, and when, the power goes out. When that happens we still want to be able to keep our radios on, our cookers running and our lights on. The question is, how do we harness the sun’s energy so that … read more

winter prepping

How to Prepare for Winter: Prepping for the Cold Season

Winter is just around the corner, and while it is a distracting season with preparations for Christmas holidays and that well-earnt vacation time within reach, there is also a checklist of things you should be doing to prepare for winter to make sure you stay safe in this snow-covered season. Preparing for … read more