tactical flashlight

What is a Tactical Flashlight – and How Do I Use it?

In the world of prepping and survival, where every detail counts and every tool can make a critical difference, a tactical flashlight is more than just a source of light—it’s a strategic asset. Designed for robustness and versatility, tactical flashlights offer far more than their standard counterparts, proving indispensable in … read more

prepper gear

The Best Prepper Gear When The Modern World Turns Off

For a lot of us, we are heavily dependant on systems in place to be sure that we have our food in stores, clean tap water, grid power and other conveniences that we’ve come to take granted in our everyday lives. But what happens when we lose those things, say … read more

dog survival kit

Dog Out Bag: What You Need In A Dog Survival Kit

We’ve always got the best and most practical kit for ourselves, but when it comes to our pets there are some needs that they have as well. This is why if you have a four-legged friend, you should be setting up a dog survival kit with the essentials that will … read more

lifestraw alternatives

Popular LifeStraw Competitors and the $1 DIY Water Filter Alternative

How, why and what: Lifestraw, Sawyer, Big Berkey and the $1 water filter Water filters are rated by survivalists as the priority item in their survival kits, and for good reason too, without clean drinking water your survival expectancy is limited to three days. With such a simple, necessary, cheap … read more

emergency flood rafts

Emergency Rafts & Inflatable Boats for Floods & Severe Weather

Inflatable boats are the best transport that you can keep stored away for when a flood occurs. One quick look at Houston and you can already see the widespread devastation and impact a flood can have and how useful a quick, ready-to-go boat that has been sitting in the garage … read more

A folding shovel rests on a rock

Top 7 Innovative Multi-Functional Survival Tools You Need

The Swiss Army knife was the be-all and end-all of every boy scout’s dream. It was a complete wish-list of pliers, scissors, knife, saw, tweezers, can-opener, inflatable life raft. Wait, no, it didn’t have the inflatable life raft, but you could use the multi-functional knife to make a raft out … read more