grid down scenario

Grid Down Scenarios: How to Survive a Power Grid Attack

A grid-down scenario is a prepper’s worst nightmare. And it is something that preppers and the government share a mutual fear of. In just one month in a grid-down scenario, services, supplies, and necessities will be so severe that your neighbor would kill you for food, and law enforcement will … read more

survival cache containers

Survival Cache Containers: How to Keep Your Supplies Safe And Secure

Caching – keeps your food, water, weapons and supplies safe In an emergency situation, being able to leave home and have access to guaranteed supplies is very important. Having a survival cache is a survivalist’s solution to make sure that you have supplies available that you would not be able … read more

melissa miller naked and afraid

Melissa Miller on How to Survive and Prepare for “Naked and Afraid”

Jungle survival without clothes is nothing for this survivalist Do you think you could survive 21 days, without clothing, in the remote tropical rainforest of the Amazon? How about 40 nights in remote South Africa, with no clothes? Let me know what you think in the comments at the bottom of … read more

Survival Knife Uses You Might Not Have Considered

6 Survival Knife Uses You Might Not Have Considered

Survival knives are a common attachment to the EDC of any good survivalist or prepper. It’s the one tool attached to the waistbelt that can make a difference in so many situations. But no matter how prepared you are, it’s always good to take a trip back to the basics … read more

prepper gear

The Best Prepper Gear When The Modern World Turns Off

For a lot of us, we are heavily dependant on systems in place to be sure that we have our food in stores, clean tap water, grid power and other conveniences that we’ve come to take granted in our everyday lives. But what happens when we lose those things, say … read more


Survival Gear: The 10 Essential Items You Need To Stay Alive Outdoors

Anyone who enjoys the outdoors knows that there are some must-haves when it comes to basic survival gear for those difficult situations, outdoors necessities or when you are hiking through the wilderness and things take a turn for the worst. Survival expert David Canterbury, Dual Survival former host and author of A … read more

gifts for preppers

12 Practical Christmas Gifts for the Prepper and Survivalist in Your Life

Do you know a survivalist or prepper you want to buy a gift for but are confused choosing between everything from multitools to survival water filters and small fishing kits and, of course, ferrocerium rods (fire starters)? So what do preppers and survivalist actually want you to buy them? We … read more


5 Things You Need To Survive In The Urban Environment After A Disaster

When it boils down to it, and it’s just you, in the city or your own urban neighborhood and a disaster has struck, what are the things you need to survive in the urban environment? A disaster is a very open-ended term, it could mean a whole variety of scenarios … read more

The Small Survival Kit Under $15: What Does It Do And Will It Help?

A small survival kit is one of those backup plans for everyone. Whether you are a hiker, a city-dweller, living off-the-grid or a Silicon Valley specialist, there’s no reason to not have one as they are cheap, smaller than the palm of your hand and are an absolute backup when … read more

seventy2 survival kit review

Seventy2 Survival Kit Review: Does it Really Work?

The bug out bag designed by survivalists and backed by investors, let’s see if it’s worth it The Seventy2 is a 72-hour survival kit was designed on the recommendations from trained special forces professionals, mountain guides, first responders, survivalists and doctors and funded by the grueling investment show Shark Tank for … read more

best survival video games

30 Best Realistic Survival Video Games To Entertain Your Inner Prepper

Think you’re ready for the end of the world? Try these apocalyptic survival games Get ready to fight off a doomsday cult rising in Montana, survive in a post-collapse New York with roving gangs and pick yourself up from a crash-landing in a freezing Canadian wilderness after a global crisis, because … read more

Surviving in the woods

Wilderness Survival: 11 Nights Lost And Alone In The Woods

Wilderness survival happens very easily every week. You are out hiking with your friend or partner and you stop to look at something interesting, you get separated from your partner and suddenly find yourself lost, alone, stressed, and without a single clue where to go in the thick of an … read more