traffic street

Bug Out: 4 Reasons Why You Need A ‘Get Out Of Dodge’ Plan

When it comes to disasters, if you are living in an affected area you are going to need to get out of that area as quickly as possible before every road is blocked with traffic and panic and desperation sets in, especially if you are living in an urban area. … read more

prepper demographic

Prepper Demographics: How Many Preppers are There in the USA?

A recent story in the New Yorker profiled Silicon Valley billionaires, who are investing large sums of money on preparedness supplies and offshore properties where they can hunker down in case of a disaster.  The article quotes the CEO of Reddit, who claims that over 50% of Silicon Valley billionaires have “apocalypse … read more

How to make a faraday cage

How To Make A Faraday Cage: DIY Protection For Devices Against EMP

An EMP, or electromagnetic pulse, will almost certainly wipe out all of your electrical devices as well as the entire grid on which society survives on, sending our lives back to the dark ages. But with a Faraday cage, you can keep electronics and devices protected from the effects of … read more

radiation detectors

Radiation Detectors: the 3 Best Geiger Counters for Preppers

Handheld radiation detectors tell you what you can’t see, smell or taste, but what could make you horribly sick and at the moment their sales have skyrocketed for that exact reason. Radiation is an invisible component that has huge detrimental effects on the human body and unless you have something … read more

seventy2 survival kit review

Seventy2 Survival Kit Review: Does it Really Work?

The bug out bag designed by survivalists and backed by investors, let’s see if it’s worth it The Seventy2 is a 72-hour survival kit was designed on the recommendations from trained special forces professionals, mountain guides, first responders, survivalists and doctors and funded by the grueling investment show Shark Tank for … read more

Automation and artificial intelligence

Automation: Will Artificial Intelligence See The End Of Humanity?

There’s one thing that puts us on top of the food chain above everything else and it’s certainly not being stronger than a lion, faster than a shark, or as venomous as a snake, it’s intelligence. We are the brightest species on this planet, and it’s why we are at … read more

best survival video games

30 Best Realistic Survival Video Games To Entertain Your Inner Prepper

Think you’re ready for the end of the world? Try these apocalyptic survival games Get ready to fight off a doomsday cult rising in Montana, survive in a post-collapse New York with roving gangs and pick yourself up from a crash-landing in a freezing Canadian wilderness after a global crisis, because … read more

off grid communication

Off Grid Communication: How to Communicate without Phone or Internet

Communication, wherever you are, is a vital resource. Whether you are a survivalist, prepper, hiker, hunter, or homesteader, having a method of off-grid communication is vital. Why is it important? Because when disaster strikes, an emergency happens, or when you are outdoors, too often we are left without cell phone … read more


The Simple Essentials Bag You Can Make Right Now

Let’s face it, when it comes to prepping you’re not going to spend the rest of your life walking around with a 20kg backpack of food, knife, axes, sleeping bags, guns, ammunition and everything else. It’s nice to look at and looks great if you have friends over to show … read more