bag with medical kit

What Is An INCH Bag? The Most Exhaustive Guide + List

Packing an INCH bag is something that all serious preppers and survivalists should do. If things really go south, this is the bag that will rescue you.  The INCH bag is a survival bag you pack when you don’t have intentions to return home. The INCH stands for “I’m Never … read more

air conditioning off grid

Can You Have Air Conditioning Off Grid? Installation & Tips

Despite its cooling benefits, air conditioning is widely known to have detrimental effects on the environment. However, looking into current greener breakthroughs, could it be possible to have air conditioning off-grid?  Enjoying air conditioning off the grid is now possible. You can use solar power air conditioners, but there are … read more

how to make bullets

How To Make Bullets: A Handy Guide for Preppers and Hunters

When you already have your necessities, like food, shelter, self-defense tools, and medical supplies, it is high time to pair your guns with enough ammo. However, the thing is, during SHTF moments, there will most likely be a shortage of factory ammo. Therefore, knowing how to make bullets is ideal. … read more