destroyed buildings

How To Prepare For An Earthquake – 5 Things You Should Know

Earthquakes happen anywhere, any time, and without any warning, so preparing is key Earthquakes are abrupt, devastating and disastrous, and what makes them worse is that they happen in an instant, without warning, anytime, anywhere. It is because of this that many residents in ‘high risk’ areas should know what … read more


Homesteading Skills – 5 Old Time Practices You Need To Know Now

Bringing back the old ways of homesteading Homesteading is becoming more and more popular as people learn some of the homesteading skills used in the past to become more frugal, self-sufficient, and live off the land. Being more reliant on proceeds from earth, land and home are cherished principles of … read more

Apache_Wickiup house

4 Traditional Survival Shelters You Can Make Without Tools

One of the most basic and important survival skills you can learn Seeking shelter should be your first priority in almost any survival situation. But if you are caught in the wild with nothing, would you know how to make a survival shelter? You will after reading this. While the … read more

melissa miller naked and afraid

Melissa Miller on How to Survive and Prepare for “Naked and Afraid”

Jungle survival without clothes is nothing for this survivalist Do you think you could survive 21 days, without clothing, in the remote tropical rainforest of the Amazon? How about 40 nights in remote South Africa, with no clothes? Let me know what you think in the comments at the bottom of … read more

police officers point their guns towards the street

5 Things You Need To Know To Conduct A Room Clearance

Military tactics plays a strong role in survival skills This is especially the case when we consider the importance of military tactics in a SHTF scenario. In the event you need to search a building and you suspect there may be hostile enemies present, you want to be sure you … read more

Emergency Plan for you, your family, friends and pet

Prepping 101: How To Prepare For A Disaster Or Emergency

There are a lot of things that are important to us in this world, but nothing is more important than ensuring you and your family are prepared for a disaster or emergency. A saying I have thrived on ever since I started prepping is ‘prior preparation prevents poor performance‘. And … read more

Primitive Bushcraft

Primitive Bushcraft: 10 Projects, Skills & Structures That Don’t Need Tools

This survivalist has more than 6 million subscribers and has never spoken a single word Bushcraft is a pioneering skill It was bushcraft skills that made the exploration of the Coppermine River by Samuel Hearne in 1770, and many other explorations and expeditions of the frontier period, possible as those … read more

Thermal Cameras: How To Turn Your Phone Into A Thermal Image Sensor

Thermal Camera: How To Turn Your Phone Into A Thermal Image Sensor

A simple attachable device can turn your mobile phone into a thermal camera enabling you to be able to view anything at night or sense heat patterns in people or animals when you wouldn’t usually be able to see them. Oregon-based thermal image giant FLIR Systems provide solutions to a … read more